10X Content: The ultimate irresistible reason to link

If you’re looking for examples of 10X content then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve pooled 10X styles into 9 handy categories:

Ranked lists

Gamify it

Plot the data

Calendars and Timelines


Map it

Make a video



We want to create Kick-ass, First class, Competitor-Busting content.

Content that when put side-by-side with your competitor; provides clearer, more interesting, better designed content than is currently out there on Google.

Bottle, The ultimate irresistible reason to link, an introduction to 10x content'
Examples of 10x content including '10 Yetis 2022 social media calendar' 'The trillion dollar club' 'Man bites dog' and 'Down River'

Handily, we’ve then plotted examples of 10X content along a spectrum of Simple to Complex to help you define and plan what your next piece of irresistibly linkable content will be.